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A Gift of Magic and Wonder

Naming a park in honor someone or a pet.
A park memorial dedication that brings magic to an unusual gift.

A Park Memorial that Grows into a Greater Gift

Pets allow owners to retain some of the magic we know as children. Because they can’t directly communicate we are forced to imagine their thoughts.

The Dog Park Registry gift packages that the NDPA offers are symbolic in nature, they are a magic of imagination. Much like a Key to a City award or other symbolic memorials. However the possibility exists that a park could get renamed from a dedication package creating a park project or cause. The NDPA can help with park memorial applications.


The Magic of Belief: Embracing the Power of Imagination

At the heart of belief lies the magic of imagination, a realm where the boundaries of the possible and impossible blur, and dreams take flight. While knowledge is confined to what we currently understand, imagination allows us to envision and create new possibilities. One package could inspire a community to reimagine their park and create a more dog friendly city.


The Power of Imagination

Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, famously said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." This quote encapsulates the essence of imagination's power.


Believing in the Imaginary, even if it’s a park named to honor someone.

Believing in the imaginary is not about escaping reality but about expanding it. When we allow ourselves to dream and believe in those dreams, we open the door to creativity and innovation. Many of the world's greatest inventions and achievements began as mere figments of someone's imagination.


An unusual and beautiful gift.

The magic of belief and the power of imagination are essential ingredients for personal and collective progress. By believing in the imaginary and nurturing our creative potential, we can transform our lives and the world around us.


As Einstein wisely noted, imagination truly embraces the entire world, and through it, we can achieve extraordinary things. So, dare to dream, believe in the impossible, and let your imagination soar. Name someone special or a loved pet in a dedicated memorial named park.


Finding Neverland is a movie that encapsulates this belief.




Cultivating Imagination and Belief

To harness the magic of belief and imagination, we must cultivate these qualities in our daily lives. Here are a few ways to do so:

  1. Embrace Curiosity: Stay curious and open-minded. Ask questions and explore new ideas without fear of failure.

  2. Visualize Success: Spend time visualizing your goals and dreams. Imagine what it would feel like to achieve them and let that vision guide your actions.

  3. Surround Yourself with Inspiration: Engage with people, books, and experiences that inspire and challenge you to think differently.

  4. Practice Creativity: Engage in creative activities such as writing, drawing, or brainstorming. These practices can help unlock your imagination and foster innovative thinking.


  1. Belief is a powerful force that shapes our reality and drives us to achieve the seemingly impossible.

  2. The Wright brothers' dream of flying, Thomas Edison's vision of electric light, and Steve Jobs' concept of a personal computer all started as ideas that seemed impossible at the time.

  3. The Role of Belief in Achieving Goals

  4. Belief acts as a catalyst for action. When we believe in something, we are more likely to take the necessary steps to make it a reality. This belief fuels our determination and perseverance, helping us overcome obstacles and setbacks. It is the driving force behind every great achievement, pushing us to reach higher and strive for more.

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